Sunday 30 June 2013

Sunday by the sea

Another bright summer's morning - only the ants are still hard at work collecting crumbs from our breakfast. We spent the morning reading and relaxing and went for a little cup of Croation coffee with a kick like a mule.
Katka prepared a lovely lunch and then Katka and I cycled to the small town of Orebic for an ice cream and Maros went windsurfing.
Orebic is lovely with wonderful little courtyards and grand creamy yellow villas with gardens filled with blooming flowers and glimpses of the sea.

Tomorrow we will wake up in the EU.

Saturday 29 June 2013

First day on Peljsac

At breakfast there was a sudden clap of thunder and the heavens opened and it poured with rain. We had to quickly gather everything up - towels, bedding, food and bring it all inside.
It quickly cleared up though and soon the channel was busy with windsurfers, yachts, swimmers, diving dogs and kite surfers. The Viganj village is supposed to be where ship's captains retire to. The stone villas are very pretty, as is the little church.
It has been a relaxing day.
I managed to photograph one of the ducks that woke us this morning.

Friday 28 June 2013

Peljesac - off to see the sea

Another bright sunny morning. Katka tried to teach me how to work the coffee machine. We ate eggy bread for breakfast.
We had a long journey to Viganj on the Peljsac peninsula including a short trip across Bosnia Hercegovina where it has a small part of the coastline. The customs officers waved us through on arrival and departure. We drove over the mountains and down  a mountain and back up another mountain. We bought fruit from a canny teta (auntie) who should have been in charge of the European Central Bank. We have a wonderful place now 7m from the sea with a view straight across the Peljsac channel to Korcula town and island. We are sitting out enjoying the  evening and soon we will go for pizza. La dolce vita Croatian style.

Plitvicka jezera, Croatia

We crossed into Croatia which in a few days on 1st July will become a member of the EU. We stopped at a petrol station and got caught up in a large group of bemused Australian farmers (according to their badges) who arrived at the same time.
After leaving the motorway we drove through pretty villages and into the mountains. Our destination was the Plitvicka jezera were they filmed part of the old cowboy films with Winnetou with his friend Old Shatterhand. We took a boat trip and walked along the lakeside and down passed three waterfalls until we came to the Great Waterfall which was pretty spectacular. The water was a fantastic turquoise colour and full of fish.
We then went for a meal and to a campsite to settle down for the night.

Lake Balaton

We arrived at the lake in the late evening. We got a pitch right down by the lake and I could see for the first time just how big the lake is - we estimate about 80km long.
We had a beer at a little bar and a late supper sitting in Mrnous. Then we slept to the sound of lapping water and wind in the trees. There are clever air vents and we all slept well.

We woke to a beautiful clear summer's day. We could see across the lake to the peninsular on the other side. There were ducks and swans and we had breakfast outside on the grass. The campsite is quiet and well-maintained. I can see why the 'DDRoni' like it here so much.

Journey to Lake Balaton

Today we set off on our Balkan road trip. In Banska the weather was grey and overcast but we were heading south in little Mrnous - the motorhome. It is like travelling in a boat - everything must be kept ship-shape and Bristol fashion or things tumble down or roll off surfaces and drop onto the floor.
It is great being higher up than in a car and as we drove through villages people stopped and stared.
We drove straight through the centre of Budapest which was looking very smart and cared for. We had an interesting moment when we discovered we were going the wrong way down a street. Luckily all was ok.
The roads were good and apart from the centre of Budapest there was not much traffic.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Sushi evening

Tonight Sasa made us sushi. She brought along salmon, nori seaweed sheets, sticky sushi rice, pink slices of ginger, eye-watering wasabi, avocado and peppers. She rolled up the rice with the salmon and veggies in a seaweed sheet. It was all very colourful and tasty. Now I want to visit Japan.

The Next Generation Sets Off

On Sunday we celebrated Sasa's successful application to medical school in the Czech Republic. Congratulations!
The photo shows Sasa and her handsome boyfriend :)


On Saturday I visited the Rodeo in Slovenska Lupca. It was an American-themed weekend now I think about it. We tasted roast ox and watched the cowboys and girls rope those steer. A great day out.

The Ambassador of the United States

On Friday we had a special visit to the school. Ambassador Sedgwick came to meet and talk with our first year students as part of the American Embassy's Speaker programme. The Ambassador talked about the links between the USA and Slovakia both in the past and today. Then he answered questions from the students. They liked the way he asked the name of each questioner and kept eye contact with them.  He also gave oractical advice on visiting or studying in the States.
It was an interesting visit and we were all grateful that the Ambassador took the time to visit our school.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Creative writers' club

On Tuesday we had the last meeting this school year of our creative writers' club.  We meet on Tuesdays and share poetry and stories written by the members in English and then we try a writing activity. I think the members are all very creative and I admire their work. We also have some fun. Some members are going to enter their work in competitions. I will keep my fingers crossed for them.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Crazy baking American style

My young neighbour has long wanted to bake rainbow cupcakes. Today she realised her dream. Purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red layers and for extra colour she added pink cream. They don't just look good, they tasted good too.

Sunday 9 June 2013

American-style Sunday brunch

My neighbours kindly invited me for an American-style brunch. They had found a recipe for ham and egg cups baked in my muffin tin in the oven. We also admired the new member of the family - a little rabbit.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Barbeque with military training

Last night we combined grilled chicken with archery practice and shooting. After trying to shoot with the wrong eye closed, I discovered that I could hit the target. Later we put up a candle on the target and tried to hit that. I couldn't but my friends were supringly good at it. Then there were fireworks over the city for some mysterious reason.
It was a good evening!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Features of Secessionist Art in Slovak Painting

Students from 1A are at the Central Slovakia Gallery for the new exhibition. They have been looking at the paintings and discussing them and now they have a chance to produce their own Secessionist-inspired painting.

Monday 3 June 2013


I have been kidnapped and am sitting in a shed full of rubbish and possibly mice (see picture). It is part of a project organised by our German volunteer Moritz with students from our school and an basic school in Sasova. I have been here for 45 min. These are my kind rescuers.
Thanks for finding me and saving me!

Sunday 2 June 2013

Bratislava in the evening sun pt 3

Then we took Yuri to see Bratislava  - the new National Theatre and a walk along the Danube to the old town. The sun came out and everything looked great. We took him to a restaurant next to Ruzina lake. Yuri wanted 'proper food' which meant meat. We ordered ribs, pork knuckle and a plate of pork chops and various sausages. He was as happy as a sandboy.