Tuesday 1 August 2017

Day 37 A fall coming in to Salceda

Just as we were congratulating ourselves on our good progress today and our ease of progress compared to yesterday, we were reminded how demanding walking the camino can be. Yesterday we saw a strong fit Italian man, who had walked a long way along with us, suddenly limping with a pulled achilles tendon and who had to take a taxi in the end and was very disappointed.

Today in the last 3km, Irena suddenly took a hard fall as a group of Italians passed us. She split her lip and grazed her knee. Her glasses were her first concern  and luckily they were fine. A kind girl in a bar gave us some ice for her face and it doesn't look swollen. Irena is a tough woman and after swabbing her cuts we went on our way. We stopped at the first aubergue we found where we were given our own ensuite room for 12 eur each, which is what we paid last night for a room with 6 others so we are quite pleased.

Apart from that we had a nice pilgrim picnic in the first village out of Arzua. There were lots of new pilgrims but we had plenty of peaceful walking and the route was again a lovely one.

Now we are relaxing with a beer as our clothes are washed.

Last night I got a massive steak the size of the plate. Despite walking 26 km I only managed part of it. Irena had pulpo.

Tomorrow is the last full day of walking and we only have 22km to go, then we will stay 4.5km from Santiago and walk in early the last morning.

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