Wednesday 27 June 2018

Day 3: Sarria to Ferreiros

We woke in good spirits despite a bit of noise and disturbance in the night, but not more than to be expected. I went with Tana to the kitchen to make tea and when we got back the others were up. It was a damp, cool morning. Pilgrims were already setting off and passing our window, along the camino. We joined them about 7.45 and suddenly we were on our way, part of a tide of walkers making their way through the damp, rolling fields of Galicia.
We climbed a hill into Barbadelo, where we stopped at a cafe for my beloved cafe con leche, juice, stamps in our credential, pilgrim shells, postcards, Santiago almond cake, the toilet, photos. We talked with a young Slovak who lived in Germany, pieces of bread and tortilla from last night's meal.
Then we set off again along the farm tracks, past apple trees, and fields of cabbage trees and garlic plants taller than me, gnarled and coppiced oaks, past cows being led to pasture by a tough old lady. Zlatica started to get a hot spot on her foot so we put a piece of sponge over it and it seemed to work along with retying her shoes.
It was pleasant weather - cool and a little overcast at times but no rain.
We then had a beer in a cafe to keep us going, and a few pumpkin seeds for zinc, a most expensive banana, some biscuits, a sweet fatty Kamchatka speciality.
Now we are at our albergue Casa Cruceiro in Ferreiros. It is a big modern building with wonderful views up on the hill.

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