Sunday 6 July 2014


In the morning we found it had rained in the night. We put on clean clothes and Katka made us ham and eggs. Then we left our campsite and drove about 120km into Oslo to the Bygdoy penninsular where the beautiful old houses stand (now mainly Ambassador's residences) and cows graze and there are the most interesting museums.

We visited the Maritime museum with its exhibition of developing ship technologies through the ages, and collection of old Norwegian ships, and shipping of the future. Then we went next door and visited the Fram museum - the Fram was the ship used in exploration of the north and south poles. They were both fascinating and we spent the whole afternoon there. After the museums we could watch the ships in the harbour arriving and leaving Oslo.

Then we travelled south in the rain to Utne campsite somewhere past Moss. We had spaghetti for supper.

Katka and Maros went for a bike ride and got chased by a bull.

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