Wednesday 9 July 2014

Utne campsite to Denmark

It was a bright sunny morning and we had a good breakfast of Finnish salmon and bread, but once we went over the border into Sweden it began to pour with rain, and it rained on and off the whole day.

We looked at a campsite near Bastad in southern Sweden but it was raining so hard we decided to push on into Denmark. We stopped at Angleholm for a burger and a visit to Lidl for supplies and then we took the ferry from Helsingborg to Helsingor (Elsinore) and Katka glimpsed Hamlet's castle as the ferry docked. The voyage took 20 min and we saw a Viking ship on the water.

Then we drove to a lush and leafy campsite about 40 km from Copenhaven. We were scandalised by the fact we had to pay for not only the shower and internet but also for the water to wash up!

In the night it rained hard onto the roof of the campervan. It was a good thing I didn't sleep in the tent.

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