Wednesday 18 August 2021

D2 Christmas dinner and a swim

While Fi, Pete, Jonathan, Nick, Katya, Sukey, Daniel and I all went to try and find the mysterious Anchor Church Cave and have a swim, Ed and Nonie cooked us all a massive turkey dinner
with all the trimmings.

The walk to the cave involved stingy nettles as tall as we were, mud, slippery slopes, stiles of different kinds, Jonathan falling over and lots of excitement. We had a look around the mysterious cave. Five brave swimmers then went into the freezing waters for a swim. Their names are recorded for posterity as: Fi, me, Jonathan, Daniel and Sukey. Katya was the swan-whisperer - she helped us gently remove the swan that appeared at the entry spot looking to be fed.
As we made our way back it began to bucket with rain. We returned tired but content with our adventure.

We washed all our clothes and towels and then enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner!

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