Wednesday 18 August 2021

D2 Christmas dinner and a swim

While Fi, Pete, Jonathan, Nick, Katya, Sukey, Daniel and I all went to try and find the mysterious Anchor Church Cave and have a swim, Ed and Nonie cooked us all a massive turkey dinner
with all the trimmings.

The walk to the cave involved stingy nettles as tall as we were, mud, slippery slopes, stiles of different kinds, Jonathan falling over and lots of excitement. We had a look around the mysterious cave. Five brave swimmers then went into the freezing waters for a swim. Their names are recorded for posterity as: Fi, me, Jonathan, Daniel and Sukey. Katya was the swan-whisperer - she helped us gently remove the swan that appeared at the entry spot looking to be fed.
As we made our way back it began to bucket with rain. We returned tired but content with our adventure.

We washed all our clothes and towels and then enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner!

Stenson Cottage, Derbyshire D1

We all arrived at Stenson Cottages in 4 cars on Saturday, 7th August 2021. The last time I had seen everyone was in November 2019 thanks to Covid 19. The cottage was spacious and well-equiped. We had a nice large lawn behind the property, a big conservatory with a football table and a big table where we could all sit down together. There was also a tennis court that we shared with the family staying in the house next door. All around were wheat fields and a strange wild west American town and a large hangar.
Ed, Nonie and I went for a walk along the canal with the young ones. Pete had prepared lasagne and we enjoyed a great meal together. Later we tried out the table football.

Saturday 17 July 2021

D16 The journey home

We left Camp Enigma after coffee and breakfast. We travelled along the motorway to the border with Hungary at Tompa. There we got stuck in a long slow-moving queue that involved some kind of police action. It was a frustrating experience and continued till a group of older people seemed to remonstrate with the border guards and then a van that was being inspected was moved aside and the queue started to move again. 

Finally, in Hungary we could see an even longer tail-back of cars and truck waiting to leave.

We had a stop for something to eat, but Maros didn't get the perkelt he'd been looking forward to, and we all started to just look forward to being in Slovakia and getting home. At 11pm we arrived at Katka and Maros' house. The massively epic journey was over and now there was all the unpacking to do and the later there are the memories to enjoy.

Our holiday was a happy escape to the warmth of Greece, a chance to be with other people and nationalities, to appreciate the beautiful sea and sky, boats and mountains, a real privilege to finally get away from daily life and go somewhere new. It was also hard at times with the long journey and the engine problems, but in the end I know we were all glad to have a great summer holiday abroad just like in the before times. 

Thursday 15 July 2021

D15 Journey to mysterious Camp Enigma

We got up and packed all the chairs, clothes, presents, sports equipment, the carpet, the table, bikes and bags into Mrnous II, and were out on the curving roads of Lefkada at around 10. 

Then we went over the bridge and onto the mainland, stopping for Greek salad on the banks of the Louros river. 

Then up up up through the tunnels, across the high plain and down into the fertile river delta full of orchards by Thessaloniki. Then across Macedonia and into Serbia. 

The near Vrana we started to look for the hidden campsite Enigma, an oasis of blue water in the dusty heat. Here we all had a refreshing swim, there were beers and pancakes and other good things. Beside us were Austrians, Slovenians  Dutch, German and Czech caravans. 

D14 Hat-trick bike ride and 4 fish

After breakfast with Katka and Maros, I set off on my hat-trick village bike ride to Agios Petros, Nikoli and Sivros - 28km. I saw a snake and birds of prey.  I had a Greek coffee with a grandma in Ag Petros, saw my first stressed Greek in Nikoli at the taverna and said goodbye to the owner at the Sivros taverna. 

When I got back I learnt Katka had been paddle boarding and the guys had caught 4 fish with skill and cunning. 

Later after a siesta Maros and Oliver went windsurfing. We sat on the beach for the last time and watched the windsurfers and swam. We finished with a drink at Cosmos Hotel.

In the evening we went for a last meal. There was a live Greek band, and the place filled up quickly and was popular but the food was not quite what we had hoped for. 

It was our last evening. Our time in Vasiliki had so passed quickly. We have had a holiday full of sun and laughter, sport and movement, fun and games, good food and good drink, and also at points some blood, sweat and tears.

Wednesday 14 July 2021

D13 Bike ride, fishing, restaurant

Katka and I went for a bike ride to the villages of Agios Petros and Nikoli. We climbed 450m and rode 20km. We had a nice glass of fresh orange juice and coffee in Ag Petros after pushing our bikes up a steep concrete path that was a shortcut. The old men in the café there were enjoying their conversations and inspection of the fruit and veg in the truck that stopped by. 

We then climbed up to Nicoli, stopping to collect some wild sage and Katka spotted almonds growing which bashed open with a rock for us to try. 

Meanwhile Maros and Oliver went to the spot they had picked out for fishing. They didn't have much success this time though.

We had a nice lunch of gyros at the camp and then dreamt and relaxed in the heat of the afternoon.

Then the wind picked up and we went to the beach. Oliver and Maros went windsurfing. Katka went to say goodbye to Barbara - the last of the CS group. Then we watched the sun drop behind the mountain ridge and we returned to camp to get ready for an evening out in the bright lights of Vasiliki. 

We had a leisurely supper at Miramara and enjoyed being among relaxed people enjoying their holiday, children playing, cats wandering around, a gypsy playing the hurdygurdy, a smart dog with its smart owner, fishermen catching fish off the harbour, cyclists, mopeds, motorbikes, scooters. Katka pointed out the owner that she had spotted already in 3 different places. 

Katka and Oliver went late night shopping while Maros and I went back to the camp. Another great day of our holiday!

Tuesday 13 July 2021

D12 Sun, surfing, bikes and pancakes

After breakfast Katka, Maros and I went to the harbour for coffee and sweet rolls and a look at life in the centre of Vasiliki. 

Katka went shopping and later went paddle boarding with Maros and Oliver, while I went back to the Olive Oil Museum for a few more purchases and coffee on the square.

Katka cooked us soup and risotto for lunch with the rest of the pastries for dessert. Then we lay in the shade and dreamt and read in the heat of the afternoon.

When the thermal wind began it was time to visit the beach for surfing, swimming and finally the sunset behind the mountains. Katka and Oliver built a sandcastle. 

Later Katka cooked us a pile of perfect pancakes and we drank wine in the cool of the evening and gossiped and went to bed.

Monday 12 July 2021

D11 Olive Oil Museum and footie

After breakfast we all went by bike up to Syvros to visit the little olive oil museum there. We watched a short film and had a short guided tour and then we had the chance to taste some olive oil, olives and other products. We bought a few items as presents. Then we went to the taverna for coffee and orange juice and went an interesting route back to Vasiliki on a winding road between gardens and olive groves with cows lying peacefully below the trees.

After swims and showers, we had a nice lunch of soup and potatoes. Katka and Maros also bought us a selection of Turkish cakes from the bakery to try. Then we relaxed in a sugar coma under the trees and canopy. Later Oliver and Maros went surfing, and Katka and I had a swim and sat and watched the surfers in the bay - we estimated maybe 200 of them. 

We had a nice supper at Hotel Cosmos and returned to the camp at 10pm. I went to watch the football at the camp cafe. Everybody was supporting Italy so it was a rather painful experience as they laughed at each Sterling dive and scoffed at the penalties. I drank a litre of water. 

Sunday 11 July 2021

D10 Three Great Trips!

Trip 1: Early in the morning at 7am Katka, Maros and I set off to the mysterious Adeofili beach - a small slice of paradise 3km up the coast. We set off early to get there before the boat trips arrive. We climbed down the steep stone steps and swam in the clear blue water as fish fled before us. Maros climbed a rock face and dived in. When we got back to Vasiliki we ate Greek buns and drank coffee by the harbour, pleased with our trip.

Trip 2: Paddle boarding and I cycled again to Sivros for the views and great frappé at the taverna. 

Maros' bike tyre got a puncture which he fixed.

Trip 3: After a great lunch cooked by Katka and a siesta in the hot afternoon, Katka and I filled our water bottles and set off up the steep road over the mountain to visit the lighthouse. We toiled up the long, steep road and Katka showed she was a real athlete. We went another 4km further down the other side of the mountain, but the lighthouse stubbornly refused to appear any closer and as night was drawing in, we decided to return. We had a fantastic view of the setting sun over the sea and we stopped to collect some wild mountain thyme. 

Meanwhile Maros had been instructing Oliver how to turn into the wind on the surfboard and then they went for pancakes. 

In the pleasantly cool evening we sat and talked until bedtime.

Friday 9 July 2021

D9 A trip to Sivota

In the morning, after breakfast I went for coffee on the square with Katka and Maros. Katka and I bought postcards and went to the bakery where we bought two freshly baked squares of baklava.

Later I cycled to up to Syvos along the country road. I saw hooded crows, wonderful olive trees, ducks, lemons, a spring by the side of the road, a friendly Greek babka with her two granddaughters and a hiker. The journey there and back was 15km. It was hot and sunny but I went earlier than yesterday so it was not so intense.

At Syvos I had a big frappé and a large glass of iced water at the taverna and I drank down both. I looked round the little square and looked out at the view. I could see Vassiliki and the bay. 

Meanwhile the others went paddle boarding out to the far side of the bay and visited a cave they found there. 

We had lunch at Aerika's again. Then in the hot afternoon we dozed and relaxed at the camp till it was time for an evening swim and to watch the surfers down on the beach.

Later we got changed and Katka drove us to the pretty harbour town of Sivota. Maros and Oliver did some fishing. They caught two fish which they then released, and found a lot of snails. Katka and I had a look in the shops. 

Then we went for a nice fish supper at the 12 Gods. We had a table by the water. The waitress brought us a container of coffee grinds to burn to keep away the wasps. Beside us sat a table of Italian pensioners enjoying themselves. Darkness fell. In the hills the lights of the villas shone. We bought fridge magnets and Katka drove us home again - tired and happy.