Sunday 15 December 2013

Death of Cats

Here are the two poems we compared in class.

Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat,

Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes

                                          'Twas on a lofty vase's side,
Where China's gayest art had dyed
The azure flower~ that blow;
Demurest of the tabby kind,
The pensive Selima reclined,
Gazed on the lake below.
Her conscious tail her joy declared;
The fair round face, the snowy beard,
The velvet of her paws,
Her coat, that with the tortoise vies,
Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes,
She saw; and purred applause.
Still had she gazed; but 'midst the tide
Two angel forms were seen to glide,
The genii of the stream:

Their sealy armour's Tyrian hue
Through richest purple to the view
Betrayed a golden gleam.

The hapless nymph with wonder saw:
A whisker first and then a claw,
With many an ardent wish,
She stretched in vain to reach the prize.
What female heart can gold despise ?
What cat's averse to fish?
Presumptuous maid! with looks intent
Again she stretched, again she bent,
Nor knew the gulf between.
Malignant Fate sat by and smiled
The slippery verge her feet beguiled,
She tumbled headlong in.
Eight times emerging from the flood
She mewed to every watery god,
Some speedy aid to send.
No dolphin came, no Nereid stirred;
Nor cruel Tom nor Susan heard.
A favourite has no friend!
From hence, ye beauties, undeceived,
Know, one false step is ne'er retrieved,
And be with caution bold.
Not all that tempts your wandering eyes
And heedless hearts is lawful prize.
Nor all that glisters, gold

Death of a Cat

Always fastidious, it removed its dying 
From us, and lay down by it in the
As if death were a mouse, and a cat's role 
To deal with it, and not involve the house;
Chose a remote spot that, when I bent to help,
Shocked because it existed -I had thought 
The mind a complete map of home; left dust 
On my fingers when I had settled it
In front of the fire on an old blanket;
Insisted to the last on standing
And walking with frail dignity to its water
In its usual place in the kitchen, disdaining 
The saucer we had thoughtfully set near it.
And death was a wind that tested regularly
The strength the cat had left, and in its
Puffed on its flank and made it totter
Then courteously desisted. Death can
Powerless, with crude tears, we watched the
Totter and reassert itself again and again
Its life the fuel for its will to live
Until the bones appeared, blood dried in
The pelt was ragbag remnants, the eyes gone
And the wind's task was easy and the cat


Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Exhibition Natural Materials

The second year students visited the exhibition Natural Materials by the artists Richard Loskot and Michal Šimonfy. Here are the notes on the exhibition.

1 Richard Loskot, Cesta svetlom, priestorová svetelná inštalácia, 2013
            Úvodná subtílna inštalácia výstavy je postavená na jedinom svetelnom zdroji, ktorý vychádza z reflektora. Sústava zrkadlových platní umiestnených na stenách galérie slúži ako nástroj vizualizujúci pohyb svetelných lúčov  po priestore výstavnej miestnosti. Autor jednoduchými technickými prostriedkami, ktoré sú založené na poznatkoch optiky naznačuje divákovi naraz viacero metaforických rozprávaní o svetle, čase, priestore a videní. 
2 Michal Šimonfy, Life of your words, simulácia jednoduchého života, umelecký softvér, 2011
            Life of Your Words je inštalácia založená na umeleckom softvéri. Ten je zložený  z dvoch samostatných častí – analytickej, ktorá nepretržite vyhodnocuje diskusiu na sociálnej sieti a vizuálnej časti, ktorá predstavuje simuláciu primitívnej formy života. Program medzi príspevkami miliónov užívateľov sociálnej siete vyhľadáva také, ktoré obsahujú kľúčové slová súvisiace so vznikom, respektíve zánikom života. Na základe ich výskytu ovplyvňuje podmienky života v simulovanom mikrosvete – vizuálnej časti inštalácie. Vizuálna časť inštalácie – kruhový zelený obraz pohybujúcich sa „buniek“  je neustále ovplyvňovaná výstupom analytickej časti. K ovplyvneniu simulovaného života nedochádza priamo, jeho podoba je závislá na zmenách ktoré prebiehajú v “globálnej diskusii” a následne sa prejavia prostredníctvom malých zmien v prostredí žiariaceho (vitálne bunky) alebo vyhasínajúceho (umierajúce bunky) obrazu. Dielo tak funguje ako jednoduchý, ale autonómny a dynamický model života, pričom možnosť vzniku života a schopnosť prežitia je z dlhodobého hľadiska  podmienená existenciou “diskusie o živote samotnom”.
3 Richard Loskot, Aj človek je systém, multimediálna priestorová inštalácia, 2013
            Dielo komentuje pozíciu človeka v súčasnom technicistickom svete, no nestavia sa proti nemu. Prostredníctvom elektrického obvodu a využitia rôznych technických  zariadení komponuje a oživuje systém v ktorom postupne odhaľujeme všetky základné elementy prírodných procesov a javov, ako aj prejavov života: slnko, svetlo, čas, pohyb, vodu, vzduch, zvuk... .
4 Michal Šimonfy, Pre dvoch, interaktívna inštalácia, umelecký softvér, 2013
            Môžete sa posadiť za stôl a na bruško prsta si nasadiť senzor, dielo začne fungovať. Interaktívna inštalácia je určená pre dvoch ľudí sediacich oproti sebe. Senzor, ktorý si natiahnete na prst začne snímať tep vášho srdca, ktorý je vizualizovaný farebnými grafmi. V momente keď dvom ľuďom udrie srdce naraz z centrálneho kruhu sa uvoľní kružnica a rozrastie sa po obvode stola.
5 Richard Loskot, Všetko má svoj čas, svetelná inštalácia, 2013
            Inštalácia prostredníctvom jednoduchého technického zariadenia, ktorý je založený na frekvenciách a pohybe svetelných zdrojov vytvára iluzívny pohyb tieňa ruže. Poeticky a sureálne pôsobiaca projekcia vyvoláva viacero asociácii, odkazujúcich k času ako relatívnej konvencii, ktorú môžeme chápať a vnímať individuálne v prípade každého živého organizmu, alebo prírodného procesu.  
6 Michal Šimonfy, Fruit map, internetový projekt, 2010 je otvorená mapa na ktorej môžu ľudia zaznamenávať verejne dostupné ovocné stromy. Funguje ako samostatný internetový projekt na Môžte sa pripojiť.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Mata Hari

Last week we went to see the new Slovak musical 'Mata Hari' at the Nova Scena theatre in Bratislava. It starred Sisa Sklovska in the role of the exotic dancer and spy.

There was great use made of three dancers who represented different aspects of Mata Hari's fate - listed in the programme as Black, White and Gold Dancer.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Mushroom picking

After enjoying the forest mushrooms midweek, my neighbour and I went mushroom picking on Saturday morning. We had to get up early and drive out into the hills.
Unlike previous mushroom picking trips, this one was excellent because
a. I actually found some edible mushrooms (usually someone goes through my basket throwing out all the nasty mushrooms that I picked)
b. It wasn't raining

We didn't find lots of mushrooms but we had enough for lunch and we also picked some rosehips for tea.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Autumn and mushrooms

Yesterday I had some proper forest mushrooms with scrambled eggs. They were delicious. There were two types: slippery Jacks (masliak) and Aspen roughstems (kozak). I like the names in English but no one I know picks them in England - we forgot how. 
Aspen roughstem

Slippery Jack

It makes me want to go mushroom picking again. I just don't understand why we have to go at 5 o'clock in the morning!

Sunday 15 September 2013

The Radvan Fair

This weekend was the 356th Radvan Fair which is now held every year on the main square in Banska Bystrica. I watched the stalls setting up on my way to work on Friday morning.
Amongst the stalls selling woven baskets, young wine, sheep skins, gingerbread hearts and wooden kitchen implements, you could also catch a glimpse of times gone by.
On Friday evening there were two great bands - Balkansambel which plays different kinds of music from the Balkans and then the famous celtic-sounding Cechomor from Moravia.

Saturday 31 August 2013

The Slovak National Uprising

Thursday was 29th August which marks the start of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP) against the Nazi occupation in 1944. The centre of the Uprising was Banska Bystrica.

Jan Repta's Partisan Unit with British and American Pilots

There are a number of different views on the Uprising. ' In fact, many factions fought in the uprising, including large rebel units of the Slovak Army, nationalist and Communist partisans, and international forces. Given this factionalization, the Uprising did not have unambiguous popular support. Yet, the participants and supporters of the Uprising represented every religion, class, age, and anti-Nazi political faction of the Slovak nation.'

Today this event is commemorated with a bank holiday.

We went to the nearby village of Turecka and I took a photo of the SNP  memorial and a mural of partisans.

Each peach pear plum

This week I helped pick peaches and we chopped them up for jam. We also picked plums and baked plum cake.

My friends kindly gave me a lot of peaches so I am making peach chutney. Chutney is a kind of sauce from South India made with fruit or vegetables, spices, vinegar and sugar. It goes well with meat or cheese or with curries.

I have never made chutney before but it smells great. I am cooking it in the microwave which is easier than stirring it for hours on the stove.

Traditional Scales
Plum Cake Slovak-Style
An ant wanted to try the jam
Chutney Ingredients
The Chutney

Sunday 25 August 2013

Favourite films from the film festival

Here are some of the films I enjoyed most at the Four Elements film festival this year.

First up is Ninotchka (1939) - the film where Garbo laughed. A romantic tale of love between a capitalist parasite and a communist 'komisar' set in Paris. Seems ridiculous, then you love it - just like the strange hat Garbo wears.

Ninotchka (1939) USA     

The Parade (2011) Serbia
  A Serbian film that deals in the most ridiculous stereotypes to confront both ultra nationalism and homophobia. A mafia boss finds himself trying to protect a gay parade through Beograd.
Tenderness (1991), Czechoslovakia
 'Tenderness' the first feature film made by director Martin Sulik in 1991. The first words in the film are, 'You beat your father.' The film explores a search for meaning in the life of the young protagonist after the end of Communism.

Vive L'Amour (1994) Taiwan

Three lonely people in Taipei begin using an empty flat. Sad, slow and beautifully filmed - this film is a slow burn. 

Parineeta (2005) India

'Parineeta' means 'married woman' in Bengali This film is based on a famous Bengali novel of the same name. The story has been up-dated and is now set in the 1960s. An epic production where family saga meets Bollywood musical - first the audience in Banska Stiavnica scoffed and then they cheered.

Preserving the harvest

Now is the time of year for preserving the fruit and vegetables from the garden to help us through the long cold winter. We made 'leco' which is a mixture of tomatoes and green peppers cooked with onion and put in jars. It is often eaten with scrambled egg. Yum.

Now I feel confident that we can survive the winter.

Went to mow a meadow

Sharpening your scythe (US President)
Recently we went up into the mountains round Banska Bystrica to do some mowing at my friend's weekend cottage. I took along a scythe and whet stone. Maros brought a motorised string trimmer. It was a classic face-off between traditional and modern mowing methods. I wet the stone and sharpened the blade and for an hour and a half I mowed the grass and brambles and nettles. The end result looked like a bad haircut.
Then Maros came along with the string trimmer and did the whole garden and redid my part so it looked better in about an hour. In this case modern methods won.
However, I have heard of competitions at village fairs between lawn mowers and scythes where that an experienced mower with a scythe beat the lawn mower.
A demonstration of how to mow
The whet stone in its case

Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Four Elements Film Festival

Last week I went to the Four Elements Film Festival in Banska Stiavnica. We stayed in a nice flat where a musician lived. There were 14 guitars in the living room as well as other instruments.

Each day we walked through a wood and up through the cemetery to visit the town and back again at night. This year the theme was 'love'. We saw lots of films new and old from different parts of the world; India, Romania, Taiwan and of course Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It is a much better experience to see films at the cinema on the big screen and with an audience, and not just the usual commercial American films at the local multiplex. It was also great to watch films each evening outdoors at the amphitheatre. The atmosphere was more relaxed and sometimes it was more like being at a pantomime.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

On Blueberry Hill

On Saturday we went for a walk and to see if there were any ripe blueberries to pick. I wore my sandals, which I discovered was a mistake. Picking blueberries means going off the marked trails, trekking through the undergrowth, climbing over fallen trees, tiptoeing through nettle patches and wading through briers. Sandals are not recommended footwear, but I didn't let that stop me.

There was a great view from the top of the hill. We didn't pick many blueberries, but I got to see how the blueberry comb works.

Friday 2 August 2013

Homemade yoghurt and sun-dried tomatoes

Dasa gave me some yoghurt culture so every other day I boil a litre of milk, let it cool and pop it under the duvet with the culture for 12 hours. In the evening it is ready to eat.

Since it is very hot I am also trying to dry tomatoes on my balcony as an experiment. They are sitting under a tea towel to keep off birds and insects.