Friday 27 June 2014

Nordkapp to Skibotn

We had breakfast outside at the camp at Nordkapp, beside a small lake in a brisk chilly breeze. On the hillside reindeer grazed. We had scrambled eggs and Norwegian smoked salmon which we ate in our coats, hats and scarves. It was 3°C. We also had hot showers and set off to Skibotn feeling happy and optimistic.

We drove 520 km south. The scenery was spectacularly beautiful as we took the road that wound along the fjords beneath the snow-capped mountains.

We stopped in a shop to buy fridge magnets and postcards. Katka bought a top and Maros bought some stickers of Nordkapp and reindeer to put on the campervan. 

We arrived at the campsite at around 9pm. It was a balmy 9°C and I decided to sleep in the tent (after asking permission this time). We had a delicious tea with soup and meat and pasta. Then Katka and Maros came to see me off to the tent. It got rather chilly in the early morning,  but I had their thermal sleeping bag and the reindeer blanket, thick socks, hat and three mats piled on top of each other to sleep on. The seagulls called all night and I could hear the sound of the river and, of course, it never got dark. 

Highlights of the day were the wintery breakfast up at Nordkapl and the wonderful changing views of the fjords.

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