Thursday 26 June 2014

To Finland and Beyond (part 1)

We set off after breakfast to Nordkapp. We turned off the main highway and took a smaller road which shortened the distance to the destination and cheered us all up. It was bright and sunny and 10°C and we were in good spirits - only 700 km to go!

We soon found a sign showing us we were officially  entering the arctic circle. We stopped in Payala for petrol and postcards and learnt that we were in the heart of Lappland! Then we turned over a bridge and Schengened into Finland across the river Muonio. The houses were now mainly white, it seemed a bit less neat and tidy and there were now signs telling us that we were entering areas of reindeer husbandry.

We stopped for delicious salmon steaks and I bought some woollen socks. In the shop/restaurant/camp two older ladies  (sisters maybe) came in wearing Sami folk costume. I asked if I could photograph them and after a short period of mutually amusing pantomime, they said told me 'okay' ("you have to tell her 'okay'," the younger prompted the older one). I took the pictures and showed them. They exclaimed to each other over them and the older one was a little offended that her photo wasn't as good as the younger one's. Then we said goodbye in our different languages. About 100m up the road we saw our first reindeer.

The trees were getting smaller and the landscape was becoming more open and marshy. Suddenly we were leaving the EU behind and entering Norway.

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