Wednesday 28 June 2017

A Pilgrim is Born

Yesterday I tried the dorm sleeping arrangements of the albergue - not too bad with earplugs. I also got my credential - a paper on which to collect stamps as I travel to verify my journey. I also got my shell for my pack and today I finally actually started to walk. A great walk up to the mountain refuge Orisson where I will stay the night. People waved at me and called out 'Buen camino!', I had a nice chat with a Scottish woman who lived nearby and had been an extra in the film The Way. The weather forcast said storms but there was just 5 min of light warm rain - other than that it was warm but not too hot.

Now I've had a beer and a slice of Tortilla, a shower and a chat with a young woman from Poole. After writing this entry I plan to do a bit of reading and later will be the communal dinner.

It's a hard life being a pilgrim but someone's got to do it :)

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