Friday 30 June 2017

Day 5 Pamplona to Mendizabal

Today was the climb up the Mount of Forgiveness(Alto de Perdon) and the tricky track down the other side. The weather said heavy rain and we could see the dark clouds and rain showers both to the north and south but luckily the downpour did not come on the camino.

I had a nice chat with a Catalun called Jauma (James) and the Slovenian girl Jira who is just 17, and with a Brazilian called Pablo and later a South African woman. The Danish group who keep leap-frogging me called me over and  offered me fresh brewed coffee (they had a little camping stove) and a piece of chocolate and we chatted about Brexit.

I met up again with Josh and Moira but at Muruzabal I decided to stop and not go on to Puerte La Reina as my heel was becoming rather sore and I did not want to push on. Today I managed another 20 km and according to a sign have 697 km to go.

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