Sunday 30 June 2019

O Coto to Boente via Melide

We had a nice walk of about 12km today after a good breakfast at Casa de Los Somoza. It was overcast and cooler, but without rain so good walking weather. We crossed the ancient medieval pointed bridge. 
We stopped in Melide and talked to two South African sisters. We enjoyed watching people at the market, and we bought some nice plums. We sat down for a glass of orange juice and pie and to watch everyone at the market. 
Then we set off for Boente. We had some hills and dales but we managed well and we could have walked further on today. We have a nice big room in Albergue de Boente. We sat outside and watched Pilgrim TV and then we went to the church over the road to collect a stamp. Now Mum is soaking her feet in a huge laundry bowl that they found for her. 

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