Saturday 29 June 2019

Os Valos to O Coto

Today was a longer walk but Mum had no problems. We had a gentle walk to Palas del Rei where we bought postcards and peaches and had cafe con leche and watched the pilgrims. Then we powered on to San Xulian de Camino where we took a break and sat beneath vines. It was now getting hotter and this stage is now a level 3 for difficulty up from level 2. We climbed up to Casanova where we met the Berliners from breakfast again, and we stopped for orange juice at a little stop just before O Coto. We met two Americans on the way, the woman was having problems with her heel and she sounded very envious when she heard we were doing 12km a day. Our stopping place is Casa de los Somoza, which is a wonderful oasis of calm luxury. We had beers, tortilla and empanada and handed over our dirty washing. Then we called Ed to wish him well. Now we are relaxing. 

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