Friday 28 June 2019

Castromaior to Os Valos

We had breakfast in the little bar - Mum had a proper teapot and hot water for her morning tea so she was happy. We had a chat with a Polish Canadian while we ate.
We set off up the hill again past the fort, and ended up going along with the squawky family - two tired parents pulling all their luggage and three kids in a little cart. If they coaxed a kid out of the cart, the sqawking would start up till they were all back in again. As they passed Mum asked if she could get in too.
We stopped for a coffee at Ventos and visited a small chapel that was built from a Templar hospice.
Mum sat down on the path on a steep rocky section named the Devil's gullet as she watched a cow scratch its head on the fence. Another pilgrim and I helped her up and we stopped for an orange juice and to watch the pilgrims go by. The last section was long and hot. Everyone was wilting. It seemed neverending. We did eventually get to Hosteria Calixtina and Mum revived after giving her feet a soak in cool water. We had a beer and shared a jamon sandwich and watched a nice family birthday gathering. We then went to have a rest.

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