Monday 25 July 2022

Journey to Venice D2.2

It seems like I have a lot to be grateful for on this journey: my seat on the packed train, the helpful receptionist Kia at the Casa Accademia who was there to meet my late arrival, the helpful train conductor, the kind people who guided me and gave me info, the conductor who accepted my ticket for the previous month. I hadn't noticed and neither did he.  
We all had to get off the train and take a bus to Udine. Then I needed two more trains to Venice. It was 9.20 pm when we arrived at Santa Lucia instead of 19.50 and a vaporetto strike had started so the area in front of the train station was full of miserable arrivals like me with luggage. Luckily I was packed for the camino with a rucksack.
Kia had told me about the strike earlier so I was prepared for a 40min hike through the hot and humid city through dark narrow streets: murderer's alleys. Eventually thanks ti google maps and plenty of reroutes I got to the hotel at 10pm. I was absoltutely drenched in sweat, I looked like I had swum there in the canal, and exhausted. I couldn't even find my room on my floor until a mother and daughter helped me find it. I was disappointed at first. My room looked bare, the bed narrow and uncomfortable, the furniture old. It was hot and airless and I thought the aircon wasn't working.
Things were going to get better.

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