Sunday 24 July 2022

Morning in Vienna D2

Got up early and went straight out into the warm but more pleasant morning. It was a peaceful Saturday - not many people. I made my way towards the Belvedere Palace and glimpsed a fountain through trees that seemed like a kind of paradise in these hot days.
 I also spotted two police cars and the monument to the Soviet Army. 
I walked to the ringroad and the cafes were preparing to open but the only place actually open was MacD, so I got my first coffee and a chocolate croissant there. The server was nice and we had a chat. She said she didn't like the narrow streets in Venice.
Then I walked to the Belvedere Gardens and watched the joggers and peered into the botanical gardens. 
As I made my way back towards the hotel, I came across a proper traditional Viennese cafe - The Golden Egg. The waiters were fresh and energetic, the ceiling fans were cooling and the coffee and orange juice were refreshing. I felt I had finally enjoyed a little of the Viennese experience. 
I bought a most impractical second-hand rucksack, packed and went to the train station.

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