Thursday 5 July 2018

Day 11: A walk to the end of the world

We all had a lie in and got up after 8. We had a dip in the bay before breakfast. Zlatica paddled and Taňa and I swam. Then breakfast in the apartman - eggs, tea, cheese, pan y tomata, olive oil and salt  in little packs of 5 portions. Then a hike along the Cabo finisterre. I walked alone to the little stone hermitage via a failed short cut to a secret clearing of bee hives. The hermitage had the remains of an altar and a strange stone bed that I lay down in. I crouched on a huge rock and in the mist I realised the town of Fisterra was in the opposite direction to the one I expected. I texted the others and am sipping a beer in the harbour while waiting for them to get back.

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