Thursday 12 July 2018

Day 18: Betanzos to Presedo

Today was just a short 12km walk to the small albergue in Presedo. It was a nice walk through woods and villages and I met up with Patrick the New Yorker who had also stayed an extra day in Betanzos. We had a good talk and soon we were in Presedo and parted company. I found a bed at the albergue, had a shower, washed my clothes with a hose and got to the local restaurant in time for lunch all before 12.30. I sat for lunch with two nice Italian ladies Roseanna and Teresa and we discussed football and caminos. Poor Roseanne has tendonitis and her ankle is painful and swollen. An English family from Barnsley has arrived on a table behind us and had a cooling spray for Roseanne's leg. Tomorrow I go on to Hospital de Bruma.

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