Sunday 1 July 2018

Day 7: Melide to Arzúa

We got up at around 6am and had a kind of breakfast of bananas, cheese, bread and tuna with Taňa's magic tea. Amazingly the weather was dry and we set off in good spirits. Two other caminos now join with the Francés route and from time to time there was a carneval atmosphere. The sun shone for a while, it rained a bit, we walked over a hill and then down to the river and then up over another hill. We stopped for cafe con leche and freshly squeezed orange juice, I had a nice talk with Zlatica and finally we were in Arzúa.
We got beds in the Albergue Santiago Apostle, sorted our things. I did a washing load and luckily there was a drier too as it started raining again. At one point it just poured down and we had to hide under an awning.  We had lunch in a bar full of people getting ready to watch the Spain v Russia match. We had a simple but quite tasty 8 Eur menu - a cold platter, lasagne, or soup and bolognaise. Then we watched the first half with our team the only table to loudly support Russia. We went to another bar for the second half. The Spanish were pretty downcast by the result but they took Tana's jubilation with good grace. Then we all went to the pilgrim's mass in the church - we got called up at the end and  said which country we were from and received a blessing and a flick of holy water. The Zlatica and I went for beers in a bar/deli where we got brought lovely cheese tapas and a great bowl of nuts, seeds and corn.

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