Friday 13 July 2018

Day 19: Invasion of the Dream Snatchers

At the albergue as I sat with Roseanna and Tereza I saw a look of horror appear on their faces as they looked out of the window - from both the Italians and from the American I have been hearing separate tales of woe concerning a children's group travelling the camino - the tales involve noise, water fights, footprints on the toilet seats, sharp words, lack of sleep etc. Guess who got the last beds in our albergue? The Spanish darlings and their carers. Roseanna became particularly animated and began to rave about respect in rapid stacatto and give the new arrivals the Italian version of the stink eye. I said we mustn't let them sleep now in the afternoon so we started a rousing chorus of Yesterday and Yellow Submarine. When the Mexican woman understood our strategy she began to join in by banging two pots together. The children have walked a long way today so my theory is they will sleep like logs later. But I gave Roseanna my spare pair of earplugs in case.

First picture shows the American demonstrating how he was going to shush them. He made one of the carers roar with laughter when she understood. 

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