Tuesday 9 July 2019

A Walk around Porto

We had a good breakfast in the faded grandeur of our hotel restaurant - a grandeur that was shattered from time to time by a low rumble that grew into an alarming crashing as the waitress wheeled a trolley of crockery into the room over the tiled floors.
Then we walked to cathedral via a small fruit market. We picked out two greengages to buy but the stallwoman gave us such a withering stare that Zlatica added a nectarine. The stallholder told her she was not alone there was also me, so Zlatica added a second nectarine, then the woman added a handful of cherries and charged us the princely sum of a euro for the lot. We also saw a cheeky seagull fly into the fish market and scoff down a morsel before he was chased out by the fish wives who shouted bye bye at him.
We picked up our credentials in the cathedral, then walked down through the rickety streets to the river front with the ships and the glorious bridge. We walked along and tried to climb back to the cathedral but we got lost in the streets and wandered happily till we found a park where we ate our fruit. Then we walked on, past the Carmelite church and the city mint and lots of lovely tiled buildings, and we had a decent lunch and then came back to the hotel for a siesta where we discovered all our things neatly folded and our room clean and neat. 


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