Wednesday 24 July 2019

Herbon to Milledoiro - 8km left

Our last full walking day, we were awoken in the convent with music, coffee and toast. We set off at 8am and walked down to Padron and then another 17km on the camino to the last town before Santiago. It was cool in the morning but got hot later and the last couple of km toiling up the hill to the town was hard work. We stopped for a beer and the waiter brought us a bag of ice too to cool us down. Wonderful! The albergue is very new and well designed but tonight is the Eve of St James' day and it is fiesta time so we are expecting a lot of noise from the youthful members of the community.
We had a nice pilgrim's menu in a modern cafe/restaurant (the whole town is new) and did some food shopping at a shopping centre. Now we are resting before going out to enjoy the evening. 

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