Saturday 20 July 2019

Redondela to Pontevedra

A good night's rest in the room in our appartment once the noisy Italians had been asked to keep the noise down.
We set off just after 7am in a stream of pilgrims. We could see them setting off in the dark as we drank our morning coffee.
It was a dramatic day's walking along the estuary and over two ponte fantasticos. We climbed three hills in between and stopped to picnic in a cool light rain and watch a little pilgrim TV. We didn't meet Kristiana but we did sit with Estonian Chris at our coffee break.
It was cool for most of the walk but when we entered Pontevedra the temperarures had climbed to 32°C. The beer and tortilla from the village pub sustained us as we searched for a bed in the city. We  are now in Albergue Aloxa which seems fine. Next to us are the two screechy Italians who did not look over-joyed to see us. 

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