Sunday 14 July 2019

Vilarinho to Barcelos

We had a great rest at Casa da Laura and met a nice group of pilgrims. We drank a glass of port with them in the evening.
In the morning we set off early, the weather was cool and misty and we managed to walk the 28km to Barcelos. At Sao Pedro de Rates we managed to all meet up during our coffee break. The path was great - through fields, forests and villages and the weather was perfect for hiking. We ran into two Americans in a restaurant and then Christine the Brazilian and Melanie the Australian turned up too. The last section of the journey was a bit of a slog especially the never-ending outskirts of Barcelos. Eventually we got to an albergue just before the bridge where we got a room to ourselves with a bathroom for 10eur each. The enormous pilgrim menu was only 5 eur including wine and soup. Then I needed to rest so despite all the festivities in town, I went to bed. 

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