Saturday 8 July 2017

Day 13 Back on the Road to Cirueña

Finally back on the track with my pack and didn't even need my mac. Set off from Najera at 6.15 and walked into the hills in  the dawn. It was great to be moving again and my feet feel much better. I made it to Azofra for a coffee and juice by 7.45 which meant I was back on 4 kph. Checked my feet and redid the dressing on my toe as it had fallen off somewhere. The blister wound looks fine. Then I did another 9km to the weird town of Cirueña - up on  the hill it is half depressed farming village, half depressed communter town with complete with golf course and swimming pool and lots of empty flats and half completed apartment blocks. It was raining to the south and storms were forcast but luckily no rain on the camino this morning.

At Aubergue Victoria I was sent away as it was too early at 10.40 to check in, but allowed to leave my pack and sticks in the hall.  I went to the local bar Bar Jacubeo which is an unholy mix of pilgrims and good ole boys. It's the first time I feel like the two groups don't mix. Usually they seem to enhance each other with smiles and good will. Still I have two fat sausages for lunch and enjoy the show.

Today I walked 15km in 4.5 hours.

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