Saturday 22 July 2017

Day 27 San Martin del Camino

We had a free breakfast at the aubergue at 6 with a decent cup of cafe con leche and then we walked through the dark streets of Leon past the palace with its prergrino statue to the outskirts of the city and beyond through a series of small towns that almost ran into each other. We made good time and by the time we stopped just before 10 we had half the journey done.

We ate the Leon filled doughnuts that I had bought at the patisserie yesterday. Then we pushed on and it became a bit of a long slog along beside the road. At Villadangos del Paramo we passed the 300km mark! We then finally got to San Martin where we went to Aubergue Viera and discovered we are sharing a room with a group of 6 young men from Madrid who are walking as a group to Santiago.

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