Tuesday 11 July 2017

Day 16 Walking over the Montes de Oca

I started walking at 6.45 after quite a chilly night. It was misty in the morning and I walked 3.5 km to Villafranca where I had a coffee and a couple of small cakes for breakfast. I also watched the next installment of the running of the bulls on the bar TV with a lot of very absorbed locals.

Then off up the mountain - we only climbed about 300m so I can't say it was very arduous. It was nice sunny weather but not too hot. There were nice views and a lot of the path was through wooded areas with an interesting place to sit called the Camino Oasis. I arrived in San Juan de Ortega in the busy bar full of thirsty pilgrims at just after 12.15. I have decided to take a private room here and look round the church later. My feet feel like they need a bit of a break.

Today I walked just over 16km. Altogether I have walked over 250km or 150 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, brave pilgrim,
    we are following your journey, reading all the entries. It is so exciting and you are doing great!! We enjoy all the views in the photos and imagine how great the tortilla and beer must taste after a days walk. Hope your feet are better now and we wish you good weather every day! Lucia & Cesar
