Wednesday 19 July 2017

Day 24 First Donativo

I've walked over 21km to Calzada del Coto and I have a bed at the Municiple Aubergue San Roque. This is the first 'donativo' aubergue I've stayed in - you don't pay as such but you are expected to make a donation. I gave 7 eur. So far there is just me, a young American called Paul who passed me a couple of times today and Slovenian lady called Irina. The place is very basic but since I got there first and have had my shower, I don't mind.

Today is cooler but I woke up at 5.40 anyway and decided to get going. I think I set off at 6.20. It was a nice walk through the first villages where I stopped for a coffee and fresh orange juice. Then there waa a long section parallel to the highway. I made a short visit to a hermitage and then went into Sahagan where I met the Artic explorers again, who had stopped for the day. I sat on the main square and had an ice cold Aquarius. Beside me sat a tour group of Spanish camino walkers. They walk without their packs and all looked very cool and collected.

I did the last 5km slowly. Another rather uninspring section beside the road. I was glad to arrive at the aubergue. The hospitalero is a rather punctillious Brazilian who lectured us gravely on the purpose of the aubergue while we shifted about on our weary feet. Then he toddled off for lunch and left the American to greet the Slovenian lady.

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