Wednesday 12 July 2017

Day 17 Easy day to Cardeñuela-Riopico

I am coming up to Burgos now and for 13km on either side there are no more aubergues. I have decided to have a light day of just 13 km to the last village before Burgos. Tomorrow I will get a lift into the city, go to the cathedral and then walk on 14km to Tardajos, thus saving a long pavement trek through the industrial outskirts of the city.

It has been a great day. A nice walk through an oak wood and a chat with a Kiwi living in England. In Agés I had a lovely breakfast in the bright morning, then on to Atapuerta where a large collection of the oldest human and hominim remains in Europe were found recently in a cave. I then climbed the rocky mountain (just a small pimple) to get a fantastic view over the plain below to Burgos.

I then walked through a silent village with a derelict church, had a chat with a student from Leipzig, and on in the heat to Cardeñuela-Riopico where I have stopped for the day at the Santa Fe aubergue. My clothes are being washed and I'm enjoying patatas bravas and vino tinto. Tomorrow at 7am the hospitalier will take me to Burgos. This is the pilgrim life!

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