Friday 21 July 2017

Day 26 The walk into León

Last night we had a nice vegetarian meal with Rebecca from Seatle and Tai from S Korea at the albergue.

Then we were up just after 5am and Irina and I set off into the dark on the long walk to Leon at 5.50am. We had a decent breakfast in Mansilla and then walked beside the main road, sometimes even on the hard shoulder and made the trek into Leon that seemed never-ending at times. My feet ached, my knees, my hip, my ankles, my back, my calves, and various other bits all protested.

Eventually we got to the historic centre and we are now in the big, cheap Municipal Aubergue. I think it is dedicated to Santa Ana. We both got bottom bunks so that is great and my feet are up and I have had a shower. All is well. We will have a rest and go out to see the cathedral and eat later.

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