Sunday 9 July 2017

Day 14 Sitting in Redecilla Hotel in longjohns

Last night I had a nice meal at the aubergue with an American couple, the husband of which is planning to run with the bulls in Pamplona at the weekend, and a Swedish family who had to take shelter from a storm in the shepherd's refuge when going over the Pyrenees. It absolutely poured with rain in the evening and the weather forecast said rain for today as well.

I set off at 6.45 into the dawn. I didn't realise it but I left a pair of trousers and my scarf in the aubergue garage on the clothes horse. At about 8.15 I arrived in Santo Domingo de la Calzada where I had a good breakfast and a look around the cathedral including a view from the roof and the cathedral hen and cock in their cage opposite the altar. In the past they were said to only eat bread given to them by pilgrims - not sure what they eat now.

Then I went to Granon and crossed into Castille and Leon region as I went on to Redecilla del Camino, where I arrived hot and tired but not too exhausted at the local hotel. I'm having a room to myself tonight. I have my own bathroom and a sachet of shampoo as washing my hair in soap everyday makes it stick out at weird angles.

I'm now sitting in the hotel bar in my longjohns while my clothes are washed. I hope I can find a new pair of trousers in Belorado tomorrow.

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