Sunday 16 July 2017

Day 21 Over the hill to Boadilla del Camino

I had a nice lunch in a restaurant in Castrojeriz yesterday with a German lady called Cordialia. She had slightly limited mobility due to a stroke when she was 16, but she was a tough lady and an adventuress.

I cooked some rice in the evening and had a walk around the long thin town that had grown up along the camino.

It was quite noisy in the night what with dogs fighting and people drinking in the street below, but I read my book and  fell asleep eventually.

In the morning I walked to the first 12km with a nice Austrian woman who is going to train to be a primary school teacher. We saw a little field mouse eating her breakfast. I had some Aquarius (Spanish hydration drink) and some tortilla and then set off for the last hot dusty 8.3 km to Boadilla del camino. Low point: swallowing a fly. The combine harvesters were out bringing in the wheat harvest.

I have now made it to the aubergue El Camino where the hospitalier and his mother makes everyone welcome. I've had a shower.  My clothes are being washed. I'm eating soup and enjoying a beer and all is well. My feet are sore but seem fine. Today was a good walk.

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