Saturday 29 July 2017

Day 34 A lovely walk through Galicia

Today we walked 28km through the Galician countryside - drystone walls and bridges, rolling hills, lush grass and wonderful ancient trees, shady avenues and lovely old villages and churches.

It was cool and overcast in the morning when we set off after our breakfast in the aubergue at 6am. We walked with the headlamps through damp woody lanes and climbed 300m over a hill. It rained lightly at the top and we put the pack covers on.
But it soon cleared up.

We had an excellent coffee after the first 10km and greeted all the other pilgrims we know who joined us.

At lunchtime we arrived in Sarria which is a small town that is pilgrim crazy and we had lunch and got our first stamp in the church as now we need two a day.

Although  the stage finished in Sarria after 18km, we pushed on and did another 10k and have been rewarded  with a lovely quiet aubergue in the middle of nowhere that is a converted mill. It is very calm and peaceful, and the hospitalera is nice. We were the first people but now there are about 6 of us.

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