Saturday 15 July 2017

Day 20 A lovely walk to Castrojeriz

I had a nice and peaceful evening at the Sambol aubergue, mainly talking to Cvetka from Slovenia. I slept well with the sound of the wind howling across the plain all night and dreamt I was on a sailing ship.

I started walking at around 7am and as the last person to leave I locked the door and put the key under the mat. It was chilly so I had my longjohns on under my trousers for the first time.

I stopped for breakfast at Hontanas which suddenly appeared in a hollow in the plain and met up with Cvetka again. Then I had a nice walk along the side of the valley to the ruins of the San Anton monastery which still houses an aubergue in there.

In the bright sun the castle ruins above Castrojeriz appeared and the town itself below it. As I entered the town,  I went in to see the huge Ex-colegiata de Santa Maria del Manzano, built where Santiago saw a vision of the Virgin in an apple tree.

Now I am at the very pleasant Aubergue Rosalia in a 500-year-old  house. I've just walked 14km today, but it is fine.

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