Thursday 13 July 2017

Day 18 Burgos - no cheating

Last night I met two more Slovaks and had a communal meal with the other pilgrims at the aubergue. Most of them are walking about 30km a day, so I feel a bit of a wimp.

In the end I walked the long route into Burgos as the hospitalier wanted 25 eur! I went along the perimeter fence of the airport and through the industrial area into Burgos city and the historic centre. I stopped for a slice of potato tortilla and a cafe con leche for breakfast at 9 am, and I arrived at the cathedral as a proper pilgrim should - on foot, hot, dusty and tired.

I went around the cathedral with an audio guide but there was so much to see what with the 15 chapels and all the towers, windows, altars, sculptues and paintings that my head began to spin. I began to just focus on the little devils and strange gargoyles.

After a tuna pasty at the Burgos equivalent of Greggs, I then set off in the hot sun for Villabilla de Burgos. I now have a room in Penzion Tomasa.

Today I walked 21km.

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