Tuesday 18 July 2017

Day 23 The long walk to Ledigos

After a nice evening in Carrion with singing and a lovely shared meal, pilgrim mass and a blessing which I went to with the first Muslim pilgrim I've met, I got up at 5 to beat the heat across the longest section with no town or village on the meseta - 17km to very welcome place called Calzadilla de la Cueza, which appeared suddenly in a dip in the plain.

It was quite cool and pleasant for most of the walk, but got hot by 11am and the last 6km to Ledigos were a slog. I met a father and son from Mexico/California/the Netherlands and walking with them helped me get to Ledigos. When I arrived at the albergue bar I heard a loud hello from the Arctic explorers who were getting ready to go on to the next town.

My clothes are in the wash, I've had a shower and there are two nice Canadian women here that the father and son talked to me about.

Today I walked 23km.  

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